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  • Original Thinking
    Natarajan, Ashok
    The original thinker seeks original ideas. Original thinking is made possible by the prior development of thinking that organizes facts into information. The apparently insoluble problems we confront are an opportunity to formulate a comprehensive theory of social evolution. The immediate possibility is to devise complete solutions to all existing problems, if only we use the right method of thought development.
  • Reflections on the Future of Global Higher Education - WAAS Conference Report
    Gurgulino de Souza, Heitor; Harish, Janani; Jacobs, Garry; Nagan, Winston; Šlaus, Ivo & Zucconi, Alberto
    The authors urge for an establishment of a World University Consortium to facilitate educational partnerships and linkages with other interested stakeholders at the international level, to provide a centralized source of information about latest innovative ideas and developments in this field, and to explore creative solutions to enhance the reach, quality and relevance of higher education globally.
  • Tomorrow’s Universities and the Seven Pillars of the Knowledge Revolution
    Serageldin, Ismail
    The role of the University as mediator of transitions, its physical presence, governance structure and the values it should promote and its relationship with society and economy are discussed in this paper. The authors suggest core functions and curricula for the future, along with the possibility of a global university consortium. Radical proposals for the content, method, participants and organizational setting of education are recommended.
  • The Double Helix of Learning and Work
    Giarini, Orio & Malitza, Mircea
    When right knowledge and understanding are within the reach of employees, organizations thrive through the adequate accumulation of efficient human capital and its constant adaption to changing circumstances. The interaction between learning and work enables lifelong learning, interdisciplinarity in education and vocational training.
  • Online Education: A Revolution in the Making
    Harish, Janani
    This article studies the phenomenon of MOOCs, and discusses the opportunities and challenges that online education poses. MOOCs are still an evolving field, with new partnerships, innovations and technological advances revolutionizing teaching and learning. Online education is an integral for the future of education.
  • A Revolution and a New Paradigm in Education
    Gurgulino de Souza, Heitor; Jacobs, Garry; Nagan, Winston; Šlaus, Ivo  & Zucconi, Alberto
    A potentially disruptive revolution caused by the internet and communication technologies may be transformed into a rapid, constructive evolutionary movement the world so deeply needs to cope with the emerging challenges of the 21st century. A new paradigm in education may then become the basis for a new paradigm in human development and social evolution.
