2nd Intl. Conference on Future Education – Agenda

Day 1 – Nov 16, 2017

VENUE: Rome Tre University, Aula Magna del Rettorato, Via Ostiense 159, Rome, Italy

Simultaneous English-Italian translation will be available for the entire day’s program in the main conference hall of the Rectorate of Roma Tre University, Aula Magna del Rettorato, Via Ostiense, 159, Rome, Italy

08:00-09:00:  Registration
09:00-10:00 : Inaugural Welcome

(Main Hall of Rectorate with simultaneous English-Italian translation)


  • Anna Aluffi Pentini, Professor of Social and Intercultural Pedagogy, Roma Tre University, Italy (Italy)


  • Luca Pietromarchi, Rector, Roma Tre University, Italy (Italy)
  • Francesco Mattei, Professor of Philosophy of Education, Roma Tre University (Italy)
  • Heitor Gurgulino de Souza, President, World Academy of Art & Science and World University Consortium (Brazil)
  • Kakha Shengelia, President, International Association of University Presidents (IAUP) (Georgia)
10:00- 10:45 Panel on critical issues for the future of higher education

(Main Hall of Rectorate with simultaneous English-Italian translation)

The panel will examine the major challenges confronting education in a rapidly changing, interconnected and increasingly complex society that is emerging in the 21st century. It will identify essential issues that need to be addressed to attune education to better meet societal needs in the coming years.


  • Ivo Šlaus, Honorary President, World Academy of Art & Science Director, World University Consortium (Croatia)


  • Emil Constantinescu, Former President of Romania; Member, WAAS Board of Trustees (Romania)
  • Nora Bateson, President, International Bateson Institute, Sweden; Award-winning filmmaker, writer, facilitator and educator (Sweden)
  • Federico Mayor,Chairman, Foundation for a Culture of Peace, Spain; Former Director General, UNESCO; Fellow, WAAS (Spain)
  • Winston Nagan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, WAAS; Director, Institute for Human Rights, Peace and Development, University of Florida (USA)
10:45-11:15 Break
11:15-12:15: Keynote Address

(Main Hall of Rectorate with simultaneous English-Italian translation)


  • Garry Jacobs, CEO, World Academy of Art & Science and World University Consortium (USA)


  • David Perkins, Professor of Teaching and Learning, Emeritus, Harvard Graduate School of Education (USA))
12:15-13:00 Call for a New Paradigm in education

(Main Hall of Rectorate with simultaneous English-Italian translation)

This session will consider the need for a radical change in educational accessibility, quality, content, relevance, pedagogy and deliver systems to meet the emerging needs of the 21st century.


  • Sigmund Grønmo, Chair of Inter-University Center Council; Fellow, WAAS (Norway)


  • Federico Mayor, Chairman, Foundation for a Culture of Peace, Spain; Former Director General, UNESCO; Fellow, WAAS (Spain)
  • Garry Jacobs, CEO, World Academy of Art & Science and World University Consortium (USA)
  • Alberto Zucconi, President, Person-Centered Approach Institute, Italy; Secretary General, World University Consortium; Treasurer, WAAS (Italy)

13:00-15:00 Lunch Break

15:00-16:15: Special Plenary Session on Higher Learning for Tomorrow: Challenges Ahead
Organized by Kyung Hee University, Korea (Main Hall of Rectorate with simultaneous English-Italian translation)


  • Federico Mayor, Chairman, Foundation for a Culture of Peace, Spain; Former Director General, UNESCO; Fellow, WAAS (Spain)


  • Stephen Yong-Seung Park, Dean, Office of International Affairs, Kyung Hee University (South Korea)


  • Guglielmo Loy, National Confederal Secretary of the Italian Labour Union (UIL) (Italy)
  • Lorenzo Leuzzi, Bishop, Director of Campus Ministry, the Vicariate of Rome (Italy)
  • Minwoong Kim, Professor of History of Civilizations and World System Theories, Kyung Hee University (South Korea)
  • Walter Lorenz, Former Rector, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy)
16:30 – 17:30 Parallel Sessions – Educational Needs Assessment for Sustainable Futures
16:30 – 17:30 Parallel A – Panel on Education and Societal Needs – Corporations, Unions and Government Perspectives

(Main Hall of Rectorate with simultaneous English-Italian translation)

Representatives of companies, labor unions and government will discuss the changes they think are needed to better attune the educational system to meet the needs of companies for trained workers, the employment needs of workers and job seekers, and the economic and social needs of society at large.


  • George Halvorson, Chair, Institute for InterGroup Understanding, (USA)


  • Donato Kiniger-Passigli, Head of the Crisis Unit of the International Labor Organization, specialized agency of the United Nations; Fellow, WAAS (Switzerland)


  • Luigi Perissich, Europe Director, Industrial Research and Digitization – Confindustria Innovative and Technological Services
  • Claudio Franchi, Head of International Affairs, FLC (CGIL) (Italy)
  • Laura Baldassarre, Councillor for School, Person and Sustainable Community, Rome City Council (Italy)
  • Noemi Ranieri, Organizational secretary of UIL Scuola, (Italy)
16:30-17:30 Parallel B – Students’ Perspective of Need for a New Paradigm in Education

Hall 2 of Rectorate in English only

Students from different countries and levels of education will discuss the changes needed to attune the educational system to make it more fully relevant and effective in preparing individuals and society to meet the challenges and opportunities during a period of rapid technological advancement, globalization, cultural integration and accelerating social evolution.


  • Marta Nešković, Doctoral Student, Ethnology and Anthropology, University of Belgrade; Junior Fellow, WAAS (Serbia)


  • Ivana Lazarovski, Master Student, Sapienza University, Rome; Junior Fellow, WAAS (Serbia)


  • Sara Isaković, Olympic Silver Medalist (Slovenia); Performance Director, Fitsmind; Junior Fellow, WAAS (Norway)
  • Student representatives
16:30 – 17:30 Parallel C – Universities’ Perspective of Effective Future Learning

(Hall 3 of Rectorate in English)

University leaders will examine how rapid changes in technology, new learning models and delivery systems, globalization of economy, demography and other factors impact on the need for changes in the structure and functioning of universities in future.


  • Kakha Shengelia, President, International Association of University Presidents (IAUP) (Georgia)


  • Roberto Poli, Associate Professor, Philosophy of Science, University of Trento, Italy; Fellow, WAAS (Italy)


  • Sigmund Grønmo, Chair of Inter University Center Council; Fellow, WAAS (Norway)
  • Kathryn Skelton, Director of Strategy, FutureLearn (UK)
  • Remus Pricopie, Former Romanian Minister of Education; Rector, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania; Fellow, WAAS, (Romania)


  • Adrian Curaj, Former Romanian Minister of National Education and Scientific Research; General Director, Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation; Fellow, WAAS (Romania)

17:30-18:00 Break

18:00 Short video presentation

18:05-19:00 Reconciling vision of the Future

(Main Hall of Rectorate with simultaneous translation)

Education today confronts challenges to enhance accessibility, quality, affordability, relevance, employability at the local, national and global level. This panel will seek to reconcile the views of business, society, government, students and universities in order to evolve a shared vision of the changes needed in the educational system and the critical issues that need to be explored during the remaining two days of the conference and beyond.


Remus Pricopie, Former Romanian Minister of Education; Rector, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania; Fellow, WAAS, (Romania)


Ivana Lazarovski, Master Student, Sapienza University, Rome; Junior Fellow, WAAS (Serbia)
Title: Students’ Perspective of Need for a New Paradigm in Education

Donato Kiniger-Passigli, Head of the Crisis Unit of the International Labor Organization, specialized agency of the United Nations; Fellow, WAAS (Switzerland)
Title: Corporations, Unions and Government Perspectives

Roberto Poli, Associate Professor, Philosophy of Science, University of Trento, Italy; Fellow, WAAS (Italy)
Title: Universities’ Perspective of Effective Future Learning

19:00 Close of Day 1

Day 2 – Nov 17, 2017

VENUE: Roma Tre University, Dipartimento Scienze della Formazione, Via Principe Amedeo, 184

LOCATION: Roma Tre University, Dipartimento Scienze della Formazione, Via Principe Amedeo, 184, Rome, Italy

Simultaneous English-Italian translation will be available for the entire day’s program in the main conference hall on the first floor

1A – Mind, Thinking, Creativity — Dubrovnik report

(Main conference hall)

Every solution to an intractable problem or fresh mental discovery – scientific, social or personal–arises from a change in the way we think. This session will examine the conclusions of a recent three-day roundtable organized by WAAS and WUC on Mind, Thinking and Creativity and their implications for changes in the way we teach and learn.


  • David Perkins, Professor of Teaching and Learning, Emeritus, Harvard Graduate School of Education (USA)


  • MSR Dev, Former Director & Scientist, ISRO; Chief Patron, Global Institute of Integral Management Studies (India)


  • Garry Jacobs, CEO, World Academy of Art & Science and World University Consortium (USA)


  • Rodolfo Fiorini, Academic Scientist, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Fellow, WAAS (Italy)
  • Carlos Blanco, Associate Professor, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Spain; Associate Fellow, WAAS (Spain)
  • Vani Senthil, Research Analyst, The Mother’s Service Society (India)
1B – Roundtable on Education for the 4th Industrial Revolution

Classroom 1 – English Only

This session will examine how education has to evolve in order to meet the challenges and benefit from the opportunities opened up by the 4th Industrial Revolution.


  • Momir Đurović, Former President, Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, Montenegro; Member, WAAS Board of Trustees (Montenegro)


  • Daniel Sandi Pinheiro, Associate Professor, University of Brasilia; Junior Fellow, WAAS (Brazil)


  • Katy Cook, CEO, Centre for Technology Awareness (UK)
  • Martin Ramirez, Head, Center for Conflict Studies, Universidad Nebrija, Spain; Fellow, WAAS (Spain)
  • Raoul Weiler, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Bio-engineering Sciences, University of Leuven, Belgium; Fellow, WAAS (Belgium)
  • Carlos Alvarez-Pereira, President, The INNAXIS Foundation and Research Institute, Spain; Fellow, WAAS (Spain)
  • Elif Çepni, Head, Nisantasi International, Nisantasi University; Partner, Foresight Consult (Turkey)
1C – Online & Hybrid Learning

Classroom 2 – English Only

Technology integrates itself more and more into every aspect of education, and the internet opens up new learning models. This session looks at ways to harness emerging technologies to enhance the reach, quality, affordability and effectiveness of education.


  • Lloyd Etheredge, Political scientist, psychologist, and teacher; Director, Policy Sciences Center, USA; Fellow, WAAS (USA)


  • Janani Ramanathan, Associate Fellow, WAAS; Senior Research Analyst, The Mother’s Service Society (India)


  • Kathryn Skelton, Director of Strategy, FutureLearn (UK)
  • Pavel Luksha, Director, Global Education Futures; Professor, Moscow School of Management (Russia)
  • Janani Ramanathan, Associate Fellow, WAAS; Senior Research Analyst, The Mother’s Service Society (India)
  • Dhoya Snijders, Researcher/Project Manager, STT—Netherlands Study Centre for Technology Trends (Netherlands)
1D – Education, Economy and Society 

Classroom 3 – English Only

Education is a critical element of economic and social development. Prevailing social science theories exert an immense impact on the way our economic, political and social systems function. This session will examine how the fragmentation of academic disciplines and the disconnect between academia and society impact on social outcomes and how the gaps can be filled.


  • Erich Hoedl, Vice-President, European Academy of Sciences; Fellow, WAAS (Austria)


  • Zbigniew Bochniarz, Professor, Kozminski University, University of Washington and Harvard Business School; Member of the Board of Trustees, WAAS (USA)


  • Davor Bernardic, President, Social Democratic Party (Croatia), Honor Member, Experimental Economic Lab Association (Croatia)
  • Jamie Morgan, Leeds Beckett University, UK; Editor, Real World Economics Review (UK)
  • Barry Gills, Professor, Department of Political and Economic Studies, University of Helsinki, Finland; Fellow, WAAS (Finland)


  • Yehuda Kahane, Professor Emeritus, Tel Aviv University, Israel; Chairman & Founder, YK Center; Fellow, WAAS (Israel)
  • Grażyna Leśniak-Łebkowska, Professor, Warsaw School of Economics (Poland)
  • Daniele Bigi, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna; Member, Rethinking Economics Bologna (Italy)
1E – Education, Democracy & Peace

Classroom 4 – English Only

Democracy and peace are positively co-related to education. This session will examine the interlinks between them and discuss ways in which each can be promoted to strengthen the others.


  • Emil Constantinescu, Former President of Romania; Member, WAAS Board of Trustees (Romania)


  • Ivana Lazarovski, Master Student, Sapienza University, Rome; Junior Fellow, WAAS (Serbia)


  • Juan Cayón Peña, Rector, Universidad Nebrija, Spain; Fellow, WAAS (Spain)
  • Siro Polo Padolecchia, Founding President, The Marco Polo Society, Monaco; Managing Director-Operations, EURO-CHINA Strategy Development Advisors; Fellow, WAAS (Monaco)


  • Remus Pricopie, Former Minister of Education of Romania; Rector, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest; Fellow, WAAS (Romania)
1F – Value-based Education

Classroom 5 – English Only

Universal human values form the bedrock of human civilization and culture, yet in its quest for scientific objectivity, modern academic education has been largely sanitized of this essential cultural wisdom. This session will examine the appropriate place of values in education and ways to restore the place of values that promote individual and collective human welfare and well-being.


  • Winston Nagan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, WAAS; Director, Institute for Human Rights, Peace and Development, University of Florida (USA)


  • Stefan Brunnhuber, Medical Director and Chief Medical Officer, Diakonie Hospital, Germany; Vice-Chairman of the European Institute of Health; Fellow, WAAS


  • Lennart Levi, Psychosocial Medicine, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden; Fellow, WAAS (Sweden)
  • Fabrizia Abbate, Professor of Moral Philosophy and Ethics, University of Molise (Italy)


  • Kadie Ward, Economic Developer and Communications Executive, Build Strong Cities (Ukraine)
  • S. S. Sreejith, CEO, Global Institute of Integral Management Studies (India)
10:45-11:15 Break
11:15-13:00 Parallel Sessions: 2A to 2F
2A – Education for Entrepreneurship 

Main Conference Hall — simultaneous English-Italian translation

At a time when salaried employment opportunities are unable to keep up with the growth of the global labor force, an educational system that equips job seekers is no longer sufficient. Entrepreneurship plays a critical role in innovation, new business development and job creation. This session will explore how education can impart the entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial spirit and skills which will enable youth to gainfully employ themselves while creating new jobs for others.


  • Giorgio Berloffa, President, National Confederation of Handicrafts and Small and Medium Enterprises (CNA) (Italy)


  • Grażyna Leśniak-Łebkowska, Professor, Warsaw School of Economics (Poland)


  • Zbigniew Bochniarz, Professor, Kozminski University, University of Washington and Harvard Business School; Member of the Board of Trustees, WAAS (USA)
  • Matthias Straub-Fischer, Headmaster, KaosPilots Switzerland (Switzerland)


  • Stephen Yong-Seung Park, Dean, O ce of International A airs, Kyung Hee University (South Korea)
  • Davor Bernardić, President, Social Democratic Party; Honor Member, Experimental Economic Lab Association (Croatia)
  • Grażyna Leśniak-Łebkowska, Professor, Warsaw School of Economics (Poland)
  • MSR Dev, Former Director & Scientist, ISRO; Chief Patron, Global Institute of Integral Management Studies (India)
2B – Active, Collaborative learning — Teaching Methods 

Classroom 1 – English Only

Learning is an active social process spurred by the awakening of curiosity and seeking for knowledge, rather than mere passive reception, memorization and understanding. This session will discuss methods to promote active, collaborative teaching and learning methods and ways to overcome the challenges of transforming the conventional delivery system at all levels of education.


David Perkins, Professor of Teaching and Learning, Emeritus, Harvard Graduate School of Education (USA)


Sara Isakovic, Olympic Silver Medalist (Slovenia) ; Performance Director, Fitsmind (Norway)


  • Annie Aarup Jensen, Associate Professor, Department of Learning and Philosophy, Aalborg University (Denmark)
  • Marianne Holbert, Associate Director, Senior Instructor, Program in Environmental Design, University of Colorado Boulder (USA)


  • Nora Bateson, President, International Bateson Institute, Sweden; Award-winning filmmaker, writer, facilitator and educator (Sweden)
  • Lone Krogh Kjær-Rasmussen, Associate Professor, Department of Learning and Philosophy, Aalborg University (Denmark)
  • Kristy Evers, Graduate Student, University College London; Researcher, Pearson UK (UK)
  • Nontsikelelo Makhanya, Deputy Director, Academic Literacy and Language Unit, Mangosuthu University of Technology (South Africa)
2C – Person-Centered Education 

Classroom 2 – English Only

Education consists of educating the whole person, not merely imparting information and developing intellectual capacities. This session will discuss the need and means for shifting from subject-centered to person- centered education, and potential benefits of such a transformation.


Renzo Cianfanelli, New York UN-based correspondent-at-large, Corriere della Sera; Visiting scholar, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C (USA)


Maddalena Vagnarelli, Faculty, Person-Centered Approach Institute (Italy)


  • Donato Kiniger-Passigli, Head of the Crisis Unit of the International Labor Organization, specialized agency of the United Nations; Fellow, WAAS (Switzerland)
  • Emanuela Tardioli & Alberto Zucconi, Person-Centered Approach Institute (IACP) (Italy)


  • S.S. Sreejith, CEO, Global Institute of Integral Management Studies (India)
  • Danijela Serbic, Lecturer in Psychology, Royal Holloway, University of London (UK)
2D – Early Childhood Learning 

Classroom 3 – English Only

This session will examine the crucial place of early childhood learning in human development and examine best practices to enhance educational outcomes at this level.


  • Robert Berg, Chairman of the Board, Alliance for Peacebuilding; Advisor to the Board & Fellow, WAAS (USA)


  • Vani Senthil, Research Analyst, The Mother’s Service Society (India)


  • George Halvorson, Chair, Institute for InterGroup Understanding (USA)
  • Anna Aluffi Pentini, Professor of Social and Intercultural Pedagogy, Roma Tre University (Italy)
  • Liora Weinbach, Head, Unit for Ethics in Thought, Language and Action, Interdisciplinary Center for Health, Law and Ethics, Haifa University (Israel)


  • Janani Ramanathan, Associate Fellow, WAAS; Senior Research Analyst, The Mother’s Service Society (India)
  • Julie O’Donohue, ELC Coordinator, European Azerbaijan School (Azerbaijan)
  • Marion Voillot, Student, Centre for Research and Interdisciplinarity, Paris Descartes University (France)
2E – Human Rights, Social Power & Education

Classroom 4 – English Only

Education plays a vital role in empowering the individual and the collective. This session will look at education in the context of human rights and social power.


  • João Caraça, Senior Adviser to the Board of Administration, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, France; Fellow, WAAS (Portugal)


  • Martin Ramirez, Head, Center for Conflict Studies, Universidad Nebrija, Spain; Fellow, WAAS (Spain)


  • Winston Nagan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, WAAS; Director, Institute for Human Rights, Peace and Development, University of Florida (USA)
  • Erich Hoedl, Vice-President, European Academy of Sciences; Fellow, WAAS (Austria)


  • Barry Gills, Professor, Department of Political and Economic Studies, University of Helsinki, Finland; Fellow, WAAS (Finland)
2F – Learning to Think Creatively

Classroom 5 – English Only

The human being is the source of unlimited creative potential, and contains within him/herself the solution to all pressing global challenges. This session will examine ways in which teachers and teaching methods can enhance the development and release of students’ creative potential.


  • Carlos Alvarez-Pereira, President, The INNAXIS Foundation and Research Institute, Spain; Fellow, WAAS (Spain)


  • Rodolfo Fiorini, Academic Scientist, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Fellow, WAAS (Italy)


  • Piero Dominici, Professor, Public Communication and National Interest & Intelligence Operations, University of Perugia (Italy)
  • Ullica Segerstrale, Professor of Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA; Fellow, WAAS (USA)
  • Giovanni Corazza, Professor, Department of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (Italy)


  • Stefan Brunnhuber, Medical Director and Chief Medical Officer, Diakonie Hospital, Germany; Vice-Chairman of the European Institute of Health; Fellow, WAAS
  • Gerald Gutenschwager, Emeritus Professor, Washington University in St. Louis, University of Thessaly, Greece; Emeritus Fellow, WAAS (Greece)
13:00-14:00 Special Demonstration

Classroom 3 – English OnlyDemonstrating the Technique for Alleviating the Human Interaction, increasing wellbeing and serving the sustainable development goals

  • Yehuda Kahane, Professor Emeritus, Tel Aviv University, Israel; Chairman & Founder, YK Center; Fellow, WAAS (Israel)
  • Liora Weinbach, Head, Unit for Ethics in Thought, Language and Action, Interdisciplinary Center for Health, Law and Ethics, Haifa University (Israel)

13:00-15:00 Lunch

Press Conference

15:00-16:30 Parallel Sessions: 3A to 3F
3A — Multiculturalism & Education

Main Conference Hall — simultaneous English-Italian translation

This session will discuss how education must equip students to understand, appreciate, adapt to, benefit from and accomplish in an increasingly diverse, globalized, multicultural world.


  • Walter Lorenz, Professor of Social Work, Former Rector, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy)


  • Marta Nešković, Doctoral Student, Ethnology and Anthropology, University of Belgrade; Junior Fellow, WAAS (Serbia)


  • Emil Constantinescu, Former President of Romania; Member, WAAS Board of Trustees (Romania)
  • Milena Santerini, Member of Italian Parliament; Professor in Pedagogy, Catholic University (Italy)
  • Massimiliano Fiorucci, Professor in Intercultural Pedagogy, Roma Tre University (Italy)


  • Min Yang, Assistant Professor, The Education University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
  • Marta Nešković, Doctoral Student, Ethnology and Anthropology, University of Belgrade; Junior Fellow, WAAS (Serbia)
3B – Innovation, Creativity and Technology

Classroom 1 – English Only

This session will study the complex nexus between technology, creativity and innovation, and examine ways in which their combined power can be developed through education and harnessed to promote human welfare and sustainable development.


  • Ullica Segestrale, Professor of Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA; Fellow, WAAS (USA)


  • Elif Çepni, Head, Nisantasi International, Nisantasi University, Turkey; Partner, Foresight Consult (Turkey)


  • João Caraça, Senior Adviser to the Board of Administration, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, France; Fellow, WAAS (Portugal)
  • Vani Senthil, Research Analyst, The Mother’s Service Society (India)


  • Dhoya Snijders, Researcher/Project Manager, STT—Netherlands Study Centre for Technology Trends (Netherlands)
  • Dino Karabeg, Associate Professor, Institute of Informatics, University of Oslo (Norway)
  • Marianne Holbert, Associate Director, Senior Instructor, Program in Environmental Design, University of Colorado Boulder (USA)
3C – Education, Health & Sustainability – Sustainable Development Goals

Classroom 2 – English Only

Health and sustainable development, both for the individual and society, are critical for the survival and harmonious development of humanity today and in future. This session will study ways in which education can contribute towards the attainment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


  • George Halvorson, Chair, Institute for InterGroup Understanding (USA)


  • Raoul Weiler, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Bio-engineering Sciences, University of Leuven, Belgium; Fellow, WAAS (Belgium)


  • Elizabet Paunovic (online), Head of WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, World Health Organization (Germany) Online presentation
    Yehuda Kahane, Professor Emeritus, Tel Aviv University, Israel; Chairman & Founder, YK Center; Fellow, WAAS (Israel)
  • Robert Berg, Chairman of the Board, Alliance for Peacebuilding; Advisor to the Board & Fellow, WAAS (USA)


  • Donato Kiniger-Passigli, Head of the Crisis Unit of the International Labor Organization, specialized agency of the United Nations; Fellow, WAAS (Switzerland)
  • Kadie Ward, Economic Developer and Communications Executive, Build Strong Cities (Ukraine)
3D – La creazione di comunita’ di apprendimento autoregolanti Creating Self-regulating Learning Communities (Italian) 

Classroom 3 – Italian Only


  • Emanuela Tardioli, Psychologist; Trainer; Director, Post-graduate programs in Psychotherapy, Person-Centered Approach Institute (Italy)


  • Maddalena Vagnarelli, Person-Centered Approach Institute (Italy)


  • Alberto Zucconi, President, Person-Centered Approach Institute, Italy; Secretary General, World University Consortium; Treasurer, WAAS (Italy)
  • Mariangela Bucci, Director, Post graduate programs IACP- Florence, Councillor cultural, educational policies and Institutions Municipality of Santas Croce sull’Arno (Italy).
  • Fabio Olivieri, Lecturer in Education Science (training placements), Roma Tre University (Italy)


  • Francesco Augurusa, Virtus Lab President, teaching fund raising for the non profit sector at Magna Grecia University, Catanzaro (Italy)
3E – Complexity, Unity & Uncertainty 

Classroom 4 – English Only

This session will examine how educational pedagogy can and must accommodate and integrate the principles of complexity, unity and uncertainty, in theory, pedagogy and application in order to equip students to cope with and thrive in an increasingly complex, interconnected global society.


  • Roberto Poli, Associate Professor, Philosophy of Science, University of Trento, Italy; Fellow, WAAS (Italy)


  • Carlos Blanco, Associate Professor, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Spain; Associate Fellow, WAAS (Spain)


  • Nora Bateson, President, International Bateson Institute, Sweden; Award-winning filmmaker, writer, facilitator and educator (Sweden)
  • Jüri Engelbrecht, Former President, Estonian Academy of Sciences; Head of Department, Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia; Member, WAAS Board of Trustees (Estonia)


  • Giovanni Corazza, Professor, Department of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (Italy)
  • Piero Dominici, Professor, Public Communication and National Interest & Intelligence Operations, University of Perugia (Italy)
3F – Individuality & Transformational Leadership

Classroom 5 – English Only

True education allows every individual’s inner capacities to develop to their fullest extent. This session will examine the pedagogy and best practices in education to develop well-formed responsible individuals who can thrive harmoniously and lead society into a better future.


  • Marcel Van de Voorde, Professor, University of technology Delft, Netherlands; Executive Advisor to Minister for Education and Research, Serbia; Fellow, WAAS (Belgium)


  • Matthias Straub-Fischer, Headmaster, KaosPilots Switzerland (Switzerland)


  • Ruben Nelson, Executive Director of Foresight Canada; Vice Chair, Institute on Religion in an Age of Science; Fellow, WAAS (USA) Tatjana Mitrovic, Director, Hawaii LTD, Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (USA)
  • Stefan Brunnhuber, Medical Director and Chief Medical Officer, Diakonie Hospital, Germany; Vice-Chairman of the European Institute of Health; Fellow, WAAS


  • Mila Popovich, Founder, EVOLvED Leadership, Associate Fellow & Chair, Membership Communications Committee, WAAS (USA)
  • Janani Ramanathan, Associate Fellow, WAAS; Senior Research Analyst, The Mother’s Service Society (India)
  • Mir Afzal Tajik, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education, Nazarbayev University (Kazakhstan)
16:30-17:00 Break
17:00-18:30 Parallel Sessions: 4A to 4F
4A – Education for Full Employment

Main Conference Hall — simultaneous English-Italian translation

Can a transformation of the educational system fill the skills shortage and promote full employment for all job seekers? Rapid social evolution is transforming the job market rapidly and in unpredictable ways. Many existing jobs will disappear in the near future. All others will be transformed radically. Many new types of jobs will be created which we cannot even identify at this point in time. This session will discuss ways in which education needs can address the challenges of the fast changing job market and equip all students with the capacity for gainful employment.


  • Emanuela Benini, Agency for Development Cooperation (Italy)


  • S.S. Sreejith, CEO, Global Institute of Integral Management Studies (India)


  • Claudio Franchi, Head of International A airs, FLC CGIL (Italy) Giuditta Alessandrini, Professor in General, Social and Work Pedagogy, Roma Tre University
  • Guglielmo Loy, National Confederal Secretary of the Italian Labour Union (UIL) (Italy)
  • Garry Jacobs, CEO, World Academy of Art & Science and World University Consortium (USA)
  • Lone Krogh Kjær-Rasmussen, Associate Professor, Department of Learning and Philosophy, Aalborg University (Denmark)
4B – Education, Science & Innovation

Classroom 1 – English Only

Education serves humanity by promoting scientific innovation that promotes knowledge acquisition and dissemination that enhances human security, welfare and well-being. This session will discuss the changes needed to enhance the quality and relevance of education for scientific discovery, application and innovation.


  • Ivo Šlaus, Honorary President, World Academy of Art & Science; Dean, Dag Hammarskjold University College of International Relations and Diplomacy (Croatia)


  • Jüri Engelbrecht, Former President, Estonian Academy of Sciences; Head of Department, Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia; Member, WAAS Board of Trustees (Estonia)


  • Marcel Van de Voorde, Professor, University of technology Delft, Netherlands; Executive Advisor to Minister for Education and Research, Serbia; Fellow, WAAS (Belgium)
  • Carlos Alvarez-Pereira, President, The INNAXIS Foundation and Research Institute, Spain; Fellow, WAAS (Spain)


  • Adrian Curaj, Former Romanian Minister of National Education and Scientific Research; General Director, Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation; Fellow, WAAS (Romania)
  • Lloyd Etheredge, Political scientist, psychologist, and teacher; Director, Policy Sciences Center; Fellow, WAAS (USA)
  • Momir Đurović, Former President, Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, Montenegro; Member, WAAS Board of Trustees (Montenegro)
4C – Theoretical Experiential Workshop & Film on Gregory Bateson & System Thinking (Classroom 2)

Classroom 2 – English Only

This is a workshop and documentary film on System Thinking, and Gregory Bateson, who helped extend systems theory and cybernetics to the social and behavioral sciences.


  • Anna Aluffi Pentini, Professor of Social and Intercultural Pedagogy, Roma Tre University (Italy)


  • Nora Bateson, President, International Bateson Institute, Sweden; Award-winning filmmaker, writer, facilitator and educator (Sweden)
4D – Transdisciplinary Education

Classroom 3 – English Only

This session will examine the need for education to transcend the boundaries and barriers of silo based traditional disciplines, and equip youth with the comprehensive perspective and integrated knowledge needed to anticipate and adapt to future innovations and complexities.


  • Renzo Cianfanelli, New York UN-based correspondent-at-large, Corriere della Sera; Visiting scholar, US-Italy Forum; Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS); Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C (USA)


  • Barry Gills, Professor, Department of Political and Economic Studies, University of Helsinki, Finland; Fellow, WAAS (Finland)


  • Roberto Poli, Associate Professor, Philosophy of Science, University of Trento, Italy; Fellow, WAAS (Italy)
  • Elif Çepni, Head, Nisantasi International, Nisantasi University, Turkey; Partner, Foresight Consult (Turkey)
  • Rodolfo Fiorini, Academic Scientist, Politecnico di Milano, Italy; Fellow, WAAS (Italy)


  • Eleanora Masini, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Social Sciences, Gregorian University, Italy; Fellow, WAAS (Italy)
  • Katy Cook, CEO, Centre for Technology Awareness (UK)
  • Piero Dominici, Professor, Public Communication and National Interest & Intelligence Operations, University of Perugia (Italy)
4E -Transition to a New Paradigm in Education

Classroom 4 – English Only

This session seeks to envision the unfolding future of the world and the changes in higher education needed to support evolution towards the best possible future. It will examine the changes needed in educational delivery, content, pedagogy and practice in order to implement quality, affordable, active, person-centered, learning.


  • Heitor Gurgulino de Souza, President, World Academy of Art & Science and World University Consortium (Brazil)


  • Mila Popovich, Founder, EVOLvED Leadership, Associate Fellow & Chair, Membership Communications Committee, WAAS (USA)


  • Pavel Luksha, Director, Global Education Futures; Professor, Moscow School of Management (Russia)
  • Giulio Verdini, Senior Lecturer in Planning, BA Designing Cities Course Leader, University of Westminster, Faculty of Architecture & Built Environment (UK)
  • Dino Karabeg, Associate Professor, Institute of Informatics, University of Oslo (Norway)
  • Mila Popovich, Founder, EVOLvED Leadership, Associate Fellow & Chair, Membership Communications Committee, WAAS (USA)


  • Raoul Weiler, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Bio-engineering Sciences, University of Leuven, Belgium; Fellow, WAAS (Belgium)
4F – Global and Local Education Classroom 5 – Italian Only


  • Fabio Olivieri, Lecturer in Education Science (training placements), Roma Tre University (Italy)


  • Emanuela Proietti, PhD of Theory of Educational Research, Sociologist, Roma Tre University (Italy)


  • Emanuela Proietti, PhD of Theory of Educational Research, Sociologist (Italy)
  • Giovanna Scatena, Handler of Municipal Library of Rome “Casa dei bimbi” (Italy)
  • Matteo Botto, Pedagogist, Network of Cafè Pedagogico, Torino (Italy)
  • Alfredo Graziani, Mayor of Magliano Sabina (Italy)


  • Fabio Olivieri, Lecturer in Education Science (training placements), Roma Tre University (Italy)
20:30 Social Dinner open for all (please register in advance)

Day 3 – Nov 18, 2017

VENUE: Roma Tre University, Dipartimento Scienze della Formazione, Via Principe Amedeo, 184

LOCATION: Main conference hall on the first floor of Roma Tre University, Dipartimento Scienze della Formazione, Via Principe Amedeo, 184, Rome, Italy

Simultaneous English-Italian translation will be available for the whole day


Rapporteurs from sessions held on November 17, 2017 will present their reports in the following sessions. Each session will be followed by discussion and synthesis.

09:00-09:10 Introduction to the panel reports
09:10-09:50 Education, Democracy, Culture & Human Values


  • Emil Constantinescu, Former President of Romania; Member, WAAS Board of Trustees (Romania)


  • Ivana Lazarovski, Master Student, Sapienza University, Rome; Junior Fellow, WAAS (Serbia)
    Title: Education, Democracy & Peace
  • Martin Ramirez, Head, Center for Conflict Studies, Universidad Nebrija, Spain; Fellow, WAAS (Spain)
    Title: Human Rights, Social Power & Education
  • Stefan Brunnhuber, Medical Director and Chief Medical O cer, Diakonie Hospital, Germany; Vice-Chairman of the European Institute of Health; Fellow, WAAS (Germany)
    Title: Value-based Education
  • Marta Nešković, Doctoral Student, Ethnology and Anthropology, University of Belgrade; Junior Fellow, WAAS (Serbia)
    Title: Multiculturalism & Education
  • Raoul Weiler, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Bio-engineering Sciences, University of Leuven, Belgium; Fellow, WAAS (Belgium)
    Title: Education, Health & Sustainability – Sustainable Development Goals
9:50-10:30 Education, Economy, Science & Technology


  • Momir Đurović, Former President, Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, Montenegro; Member, WAAS Board of Trustees (Montenegro)


  • Jüri Engelbrecht, Former President, Estonian Academy of Sciences; Head of Department, Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia; Member, WAAS Board of Trustees (Estonia)
    Title: Education, Science & Innovation
  • Daniel Sandi Pinheiro, Associate Professor, University of Brasilia; Junior Fellow, WAAS (Brazil)
    Title: Roundtable on Education for the 4th Industrial Revolution
  • Zbigniew Bochniarz, Professor, Kozminski University, University of Washington and Harvard Business School; Member of the Board of Trustees, WAAS (USA)
    Title: Education, Economy and Society
  • Grażyna Leśniak-Łebkowska, Professor, Warsaw School of Economics (Poland)
    Title: Education for Entrepreneurship
  • S.S. Sreejith, CEO, Global Institute of Integral Management Studies (India)
    Title: Education for Full Employment
10:30-11:10 Mind, Thinking, Creativity and Innovation


  • João Caraça, Senior Adviser to the Board of Administration, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, France; Fellow, WAAS (Portugal)


  • MSR Dev, Former Director & Scientist, ISRO; Chief Patron, Global Institute of Integral Management Studies (India)
    Title: Mind, Thinking, Creativity — Dubrovnik report
  • Carlos Blanco, Associate Professor, Universidad Ponti cia Comillas, Spain; Associate Fellow, WAAS (Spain)
    Title: Complexity, Unity & Uncertainty
  • Anna Aluffi Pentini, Professor of Social and Intercultural Pedagogy, Roma Tre University (Italy)
    Title: Theoretical Experiential Workshop and Film on Gregory Bateson & System Thinking
  • Rodolfo Fiorini, Academic Scientist, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Fellow, WAAS (Italy)
    Title: Learning to Think Creatively
  • Elif Çepni, Head, Nisantasi International, Nisantasi University, Turkey; Partner, Foresight Consult (Turkey)
    Title: Innovation, Creativity and Technology
11:10-11:40 Break
11:40-12:20 New Paradigm in Pedagogy


  • Walter Lorenz, Professor of Social work; Former Rector, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy)


  • Maddalena Vagnarelli, Person-Centered Approach Institute (Italy)
    Title: Person-Centered Education
  • Maddalena Vagnarelli, Person-Centered Approach Institute (Italy)
    Title: La creazione di comunita’ di apprendimento autoregolanti – Creating Self-regulating Learning Communities (Italian)
  • Vani Senthil, Research Analyst, The Mother’s Service Society (India)
    Title: Early Childhood Learning
  • Sara Isaković, Olympic Silver Medalist (Slovenia); Performance Director, Fitsmind; Junior Fellow, WAAS (Norway)
    Title: Active, Collaborative Learning — Teaching Methods
  • Janani Ramanathan, Associate Fellow, WAAS; Senior Research Analyst, The Mother’s Service Society (India)
    Title: Online & Hybrid Learning
12:20-13: 00 Transition to a New Paradigm


Ivo Šlaus, Honorary President, World Academy of Art & Science; Dean, Dag Hammarskjold University College of International Relations and Diplomacy (Croatia)


  • Emanuela Proietti, PhD of Theory of Educational Research, Sociologist (Italy)
    Title: Global and Local Education
  • Barry Gills, Professor, Department of Political and Economic Studies, University of Helsinki, Finland; Fellow, WAAS (Finland)Title: Transdisciplinary Education, Anticipation and Complexity
  • Mila Popovich, Founder, EVOLvED Leadership, Associate Fellow & Chair, Membership Communications Committee, WAAS (USA)
    Title: Transition to New Paradigm in Education
  • Matthias Straub-Fischer, Headmaster, KaosPilots Switzerland (Switzerland)
    Title: Individuality & Transformational Leadership
13:00-15:00 Lunch Break
15:00-15:30 Student Presentations
15:30-16:30 Keynote


  • Garry Jacobs, CEO, World Academy of Art & Science and World University Consortium (USA)


  • Edgar Morin, Philosopher and Sociologist, Theory of Knowledge and Complex Thought (France)
16:30-17:00 Special address (online)


  • Zbigniew Bochniarz, Professor, Kozminski University, University of Washington and Harvard Business School; Member of the Board of Trustees, WAAS (USA)


  • Peter Senge, Systems Scientist; Senior Lecturer, MIT Sloan School of management; Founder, Society for Organizational Learning (USA)
17:00-17:45 Premier of Enseignez à vivre ! – Edgar Morin et l’Education Innovate by Abraham Ségal

In French (Main conference hall with English translation)


  • Anna Aluffi Pentini, Professor of Social and Intercultural Pedagogy, Roma Tre University (Italy)


  • Edgar Morin, philosopher and sociologist, theory of knowledge and complex thought (France)
  • Abraham Ségal, Filmmaker, Director of documentary films
17:45-18:00 Concluding Session


  • Heitor Gurgulino de Souza, President, World Academy of Art & Science and World University Consortium (Brazil)
18:00 End of conference and departures
19:00-22:00 WAAS General Assembly and Dinner (For WAAS Fellows only)