Ralph Wolff, President
Ralph Wolff is the Founder and former President of The Quality Assurance Commons, and an independent policy consultant focusing on accreditation and quality assurance processes in the US and internationally. He previously served as the president of the WASC Senior College and University Commission from 1996 through August 2013, and as Associate Executive Director since 1981. He is a member of the University Quality Assurance International Board (UQAIB) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and on the National Advisory Boards of the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) and for the Lumina Foundation on the Degree Qualifications Profile. He also is a member of the Board of Trustees of the United States International University Africa, located in Nairobi, Kenya and Palo Alto University. He has published multiple articles and book chapters on accreditation, quality assurance, distance education, and the changing role of the library. Before joining the staff of WASC, Mr. Wolff was one of the founders of the Antioch School of Law in Washington DC, which now continues to operate as the David A. Clarke Law School at the University of the District of Columbia. The law school was the first-ever designed to prepare lawyers to serve in public interest and poverty law settings. He later became dean of the Antioch Graduate School of Education. He also served as Associate Provost, setting up internal quality assurance processes for the geographically dispersed college. In 1976, he was appointed a law professor at the University of Dayton. A graduate of Tufts University, Mr. Wolff received his JD with honors from the National Law Center at George Washington University. He continues to be a member of the Washington, DC bar. For his service in support of quality assurance and improvement in the WASC region and nationally he was awarded in 2008 the Virginia B. Smith Award for Innovation in Higher education and, in 2013, an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters by Loma Linda University.

Garry Jacobs, Chair of the Board and CEO
Garry Jacobs is President and Chief Executive Officer of World Academy of Art & Science; Managing Editor, Cadmus Journal; President, The Mother’s Service Society (MSS), a social science research institute in Pondicherry, South India; and Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at the Institute for Person-Centered Approach, Italy. Formerly he served as Chair of the Board of the World Academy (2011-13) and Chair of its Strategic Planning Committee. In 1989 he co-founded the International Commission on Peace and Food, served for 5 years as its Member-Secretary, convener of ICPF’s working groups on Employment and on Transition in Eastern Europe, coordinator of the research team that evolved a strategy to generate 100 million new jobs in India, and editor of the Commission’s report to the UN entitled Uncommon Opportunities. Following completion of the Commission’s report, he became President, International Center for Peace & Development in California. He is an American born consultant on management and economic development conducting research on economic, social development, employment, business strategy, organizational theory, psychology, education and psychology and development strategies.

Alberto Zucconi, Secretary General
Alberto Zucconi is Chair of the Board of World Academy of Art & Science and President of the Person-Centred Approach Institute (IACP), a non-profit international organization, co-founded with Carl Rogers and Charles Devonshire dedicated to research in human behaviour, the promotion of health and the training of professionals. A clinical psychologist, he is a former student and collaborator of the late Carl Rogers one of the founding fathers of Humanistic Psychology and originator of the Client-Centred Therapy and the Person Centred Approach, a scientifically formulated paradigm that has impacted the fields of psychology, education and management. He is also a Fellow of the International Leadership Forum (ILF), and a senior staff member of the Carl Rogers Institute for Peace. He has been working internationally for 40 years as a trainer, lecturer and consultant for public and private organizations and is currently teaching Client Centred Therapy and the Person Centred Approach at the post graduate level at the University of Siena (Italy).

S.S. Sreejith, Treasurer
S.S. Sreejith is the Founder & CEO of Global Institute of Integral Management Studies and Associate Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science. He is also the Knowledge partner of Confederation of Indian Industries – Institute of Logistics and the Chief Organizer of Double It! India, a series of conferences arranged in India, intended for rapid growth and profitability of Indian enterprises. Being a graduate in agricultural sciences and a post graduate in international business, he is an expert in multi-dimensional planting system and in international trade of agro-commodities. Sreejith is also an academic consultant to many self financing colleges in south India, helping them to improve their quality of education, class room delivery and in establishing sustainable models of education.

Emil Constantinescu
Emil Constantinescu, former President of Romania (1996-2000) and leader of the Romanian Democratic Convention (1992-1996), is currently the President of the Institute for Advanced Studies on the Culture and Civilization of the Levant, President of the Romanian Academic Forum, Trustee of the World Academy of Art & Science, Honorary President of the Bucharest University Senate and Professor at the Faculty of Geology at the same university, a member of the Board of the Institute for East-West Studies in New York, of the Balkan Political Club, and co-chair of World Justice Project. Formerly he served as Rector of the University of Bucharest, President of the Romanian National Council of Rectors, member of the Steering Committee of the European University Association, and the International Association of University Chairmen. He graduated from the law school of the University of Bucharest and started his career as a geologist.

Pavel Luksha
Dr. Pavel Luksha is a founder and a director of Global Education Futures initiative, aimed at catalyzing the transformation of educational ecosystems at a global scale, and a co-founder of Global Change Leaders movement of educational & social innovators. He is also a Professor of Practice at Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, where works primarily on the transformation of the higher & professional education sector, and a Professor at ITBA (Technological University of Buenos Aires). Pavel also works closely with Russian Agency of Strategic Initiatives, one of the primary national vehicles of driving change in professional education development and new technological sectors. He is the coauthor of Rapid Foresight methodology, widely used in sectoral and regional planning, and a primary author of Skills Technology Foresight methodology developed in partnership with International Labor Organization.

Jonathan Miller
Jonathan F. Miller is the Chief Executive Officer of Integrated Media Co., a special purpose digital media investment company. Prior to that time, Mr. Miller was a partner of Advancit Capital, LLC, a venture capital investment fund, from July 2013 through January 2018. He was the Chairman and Chief Executive of News Corporation’s digital media group and News Corporation’s Chief Digital Officer from April 2009 until October 2012. Mr. Miller had previously been a founding partner of Velocity Interactive Group (“Velocity”), an investment firm focusing on digital media and the consumer Internet, from its inception in February 2007 until April 2009.
Prior to founding Velocity, Mr. Miller served as Chief Executive Officer of AOL LLC (“AOL”) from August 2002 to December 2006. Prior to joining AOL, Mr. Miller served as Chief Executive Officer and President of USA Information and Services, of USA Interactive, a predecessor to IAC/InterActiveCorp (“IAC”). Mr. Miller also served as a director of Ticketmaster Entertainment, Inc. from August 2008 until January 2010, and as a director of Live Nation Entertainment, Inc. from January 2010 through April 2011.

Ketan Patel
Ketan is the founder and chairman of ‘Force for Good’, established in support of the UN Secretary General’s roadmap for sustainable development, examining and engaging 125 leading global financial institutions reported in “Capital as a Force for Good”, and 100 leading technology companies, reported in “Technology for a Secure, Sustainable and Superior Future”. He is the CEO and co-founder of Greater Pacific Capital, investing in high growth enterprises making an impact, sustainably and profitably, and leading GPC’s research on peace, prosperity and freedom.
Ketan was formerly a Managing Director at Goldman Sachs, heading the Strategic Group, providing strategic counsel to leaders from government and business worldwide, including the US, EU, China, India and Japan. Previously, he was a partner, and board member at KPMG, leading the Strategy and Business Transformation business. Prior to which, he worked at Hewlett-Packard. Ketan is a fellow, member of the executive team, and board of trustees of the World Academy of Art and Science; a member of the senior team of the Human Security for All project of the World Academy of Art & Science (WAAS) and the UN Trust Fund for Human Security; and a member of the working groups of the UN SDSN Senior Working Group on the ‘European Green Deal and the SDGs’ and the ‘Lancet Commission COVID 19 Green Recovery Task Force on Sustainable Finance’; and is a member of the board of the Jane Goodall Legacy Foundation.

Mila Popovich
Mila Popovich is a Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science, Founder, EVOLving Leadership, published poet and Associate expert at the Seventh Research Framework Programme at the European Commission.

Janani Ramanathan
Janani Ramanathan is the Secretary General of the World Academy of Art and Science and is a senior research analyst at The Mother’s Service Society, Pondicherry, India. She has been engaged in research in a range of topics spanning the social sciences. She has been working with schools and other educational institutions in India, implementing active, collaborative, person-centered and values-based education. She is also a consultant to nonprofit and business organizations, implementing strategies to improve their efficiency, profitability, and sustainable growth.

Kakha Shengelia
Kakha Shengelia is the President, International Association of University Presidents and Caucasus University. Apart from his administrative responsibilities he teaches courses in Management Concept and History of Georgia. He was formerly a Member of Parliament of Georgia, Deputy Chair of Committee of Education, Science, Sports and Culture and Committee of Foreign Affairs. He was a Vice-Mayor of Tbilisi in Social Affairs. He was awarded the Presidential Order of Excellence by the President of Georgia and the Ring of Honor by the University of Applied Sciences (Upper Austria). He is also a Member of the Steering Committee of NISPAcee (The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe).

Ismail Serageldin
Ismail Serageldin is Co-Chair of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center in Baku and former Director of Library of Alexandria. He is Emeritus Librarian, and member of the Board of Trustees of the Library and serves as Chair and Member of a number of advisory committees for academic, research, scientific and international institutions and civil society efforts which includes the Institut d’Egypte (Egyptian Academy of Science), US National Academy of Sciences (Public Welfare Medalist), the American Philosophical Society, TWAS (World Academy of Sciences), the Indian National Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. He is former Chair, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR, 1994-2000), Founder and former Chair, the Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest (CGAP), a microfinance program (1995-2000) and was Professor of the International Chair Savoirs contre pauvreté (Knowledge Against Poverty), at Collège de France, Paris, and Distinguished Professor at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. He has also served in a number of capacities at the World Bank, including as Vice President for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development (1992-1998), and for Special Programs (1998-2000).serves on the Advisory Committee of the World Social Science Report for 2013 and 2016, as well as the UNESCO-supported World Water Scenarios (2013) and the executive council of the Encyclopedia of Life (2010) and Chairs the Executive Council of the World Digital Library (2010). He also co-chaired the African Union’s high level panel for Biotechnology (2006) and again for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) in 2012-2013, and was a member of the ICANN Panel for the review of the internet future (2013).