Future Education Conference

January 28, 2018 – 9:00 am to 5:30 pm
Anandha Inn, Puducherry

Organized by The Mother’s Service Society, Pondicherry in collaboration with Mind Mingle, Delhi and the World University Consortium and the World Academy of Art & Science, USA

The world is moving faster and faster. Information is multiplying more rapidly than anyone can organize or absorb it. Job requirements are changing before our eyes. Technology is creating new jobs and destroying existing ones. The type of education we offer will be a critical determinate of our success in meeting these challenges. We require rapid and radical changes in the way we educate youth to prepare them for success in the society that is emerging.

The one-day conference on Future Education was organized by The Mother’s Service Society (MSS), an educational and social science research institute and owner of  Primrose School, Puducherry in collaboration with Mind Mingle Education, New Delhi, the World Academy of Art & Science and the World University Consortium, USA.

The conference examined the changes needed in our schools and provided an opportunity to know, learn and adopt the different innovative methodologies, strategies and ideas practiced in different schools across India and overseas.

This conference was a follow-up to the 1st & 2nd International Conferences on Future Education at the University of California at Berkeley on October 2-3, 2013 and at the University of Rome III on November 16-18, 2017. Click here for the report on International Conference on Future Education conducted in Rome, Italy by WAAS, WUC and MSS.

Jareena Begum
Principal, Primrose School

Garry Jacobs
Vice-President, MSS; CEO, WAAS & WUC

Ashok Natarajan
Secretary, The Mother’s Service Society

Vidya Rangan
Director, Primrose School

Shakeel Ahmad
Co-founder, Mind Mingle, New Delhi

L. Kannan
Former Vice Chancellor, Thiruvalluvar University

Ritu Kohli
Principal, Eicher School, Faridabad, Haryana

Ranjani Ravi
Associate Fellow, WAAS; Associate Editor, Cadmus Journal

G. Senthilkumar
Chairman, Helikx Open School, Salem

S. S. Sreejith

S. Sairaman
Project Director, Consortium for Indian IT Education, Chennai

Senthil Inbarajan
Software Professional, US

Ramesh Kumar
Chief Executive, Chem Coats Ltd., Chennai

K. Srinivas
Prof. of Philosophy, Dean (i/c), Col. Dev. Council, Puducherry Univ.

P. P. Mathur
HOD, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Puducherry Univ.

M. Chandrasekaran
Project Director, MSS, Puducherry

Latha Chandrasekaran
Senior Research Fellow, MSS, Puducherry

M. Gayatri
Vice Principal, Primrose School, Puducherry

Shweta Rangan
Teacher, Primrose School, Puducherry

S. Devakanni
President, SpellBee International, Chennai

Vasugi Balaji
Research Analyst, MSS, Puducherry

Janani Ramanathan
Associate Fellow, World University Consortium, Chennai

Vani Senthil
Research Analyst, MSS, Puducherry

Director of LOCUS Institute for Math-Science Education

Arulmozhi Arasi
Programme Director, SpellBee International, Chennai

A. Vijayakumar
Founder-President, I.N.D.I.A. Trust, Chennai

T. Sudha
Principal, TVS Academy, Tamil Nadu

Gaurav Nigam
Director, Modern International School, New Delhi

Mohammed Javeed Basha
Student, Primrose School, Puducherry

Garry Jacobs
Vice-President, MSS; CEO, WAAS & WUC

Vidya Rangan
Director, Primrose School, Puducherry

Naveen Sharma
Director, Mind Mingle, New Delhi