Future of Democracy: Challenges & Opportunities – Participants

List of Participants
  1. Goran Bandov – Vice Dean, Dag Hammarskjöld University College of International Relations and Diplomacy, Zagreb
  2. Jérôme Bindé – French writer, Futurist; Director of Foresight, Philosophy and Humanities, UNESCO; Fellow, WAAS
  3. Zbigniew Bochniarz – Professor, University of Washington and Harvard Business School; Member, WAAS Board of Trustees
  4. John Bunzl – Businessman, Writer, Founder, Simultaneous Policy (Simpol) campaign
  5. João Caraça – Senior Advisor, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation; Fellow, WAAS
  6. Elif Çepni – Head, Nisantasi International, Nisantasi University, Turkey; Partner, Foresight Consult; Associate Fellow, WAAS
  7. Emil Constantinescu – President, The Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Civilization and Civilization; Member, WAAS Board of Trustees
  8. Momir Djurovic – Former President, Montenegrin Academy of Sciences & Arts; Member, WAAS Board of Trustees
  9. Fadwa El Guindi – Senior Scientist, El Nil Research; Retiree Professor of Anthropology, University of California; Fellow, WAAS
  10. Rodolfo Fiorini – Academic Scientist, Politecnico di Milano, Italy; Fellow, WAAS
  11. Ivo Grga – Secretary General, Global Round Table, Croatia
  12. Erich Hoedl – Vice-President, European Academy of Sciences; Fellow, WAAS
  13. Senthil Inbarajan – Software Professional, USA
  14. Garry Jacobs – CEO, WAAS and WUC; Vice President, The Mother’s Service Society
  15. Adam Koniuszewski – Fellow of the Quebec Order of Chartered Professional Accountants; Fellow at the Geneva Center for Security Policy; Associate Fellow, WAAS
  16. Zlatko Lagumdžija – Former Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Hercegovina; Professor of Competitiveness and Information Technology, University of Sarajevo; Fellow, WAAS
  17. Ivana Lazarovski – Student, MA in International Security Studies, University of Belgrade; Junior Fellow, WAAS
  18. Grażyna Leśniak-Łebkowska – Professor, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland; Associate Fellow, WAAS
  19. Alexander Likhotal – Professor, Geneva School Of Diplomacy; Former President of Green Cross International; Member, WAAS Board of Trustees
  20. Andrii Miroshnychenko – Teaching Assistant, University of Bergen, Norway; Junior Fellow, WAAS
  21. Michael Mulvey – Outreach Coordinator, The Independent Constitutionalists UK movement and political process (ICUK)
  22. Winston P. Nagan – Chairman, WAAS Board of Trustees; Professor of Law, University of Florida, USA
  23. Nebojša Nešković – Secretary-General, WAAS; Former Head of TESLA Project, Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia
  24. Natalia Pogozheva – CEO of Green Education Ukraine Foundation; Member of Board, Regional development Association; Former Head of the Board, DUCATT
  25. Thomas Reuter – Professor, Asia Institute, The University of Melbourne; Fellow, WAAS
  26. Rita Reuter – Independent Designer, Germany
  27. Naren Senthil – Student, PSBB Millennium School, India
  28. Kakha Shengelia – President, International Association of University Presidents (IAUP); President at Caucasus University, Georgia
  29. Dragan Simeunović – Professor, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia
  30. Marco Vitiello – Student, Roma Tre University, Italy
  31. Kathlena Walther – Special Advisor to Chairman, Econet Foundation; Fellow, WAAS
  32. Ahmet Nuri Yurdusev – Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Turkey; Fellow, WAAS
  33. Alberto Zucconi – President of the Person Centered Approach Institute (IACP), Italy; Secretary General of the World University Consortium
 Course Directors: Goran Bandov, Garry Jacobs, Winston Nagan and Alberto Zucconi