- Towards a Theory of Sustainable Development: Drawing on Insights from Developments in Modern Legal Theory by Winston Nagan
- Contours of New Economic Theory by Garry Jacobs
- The Politics of the Solar Age: 1975-2015 by Hazel Henderson
- Socioeconomic And Environmental Performance: A Composite Index Approach And Comparative Application To The Usa And China In The New Millennium by Joanílio Rodolpho Teixeira et al.
- Overlapping International Green R&D Agreements by Emilson Caputo Delfino Silva
- Changing The Dominant Paradigm In Economics: How To Understand And Confront Critical Aspects Of Economic Globalization by Maria de Lourdes Rollemberg Mollo
- Economic crisis, long waves and the sustainability transition: An African perspective by Mark Swilling
- Multinational Corporate Business And Sustainability Crisis by Philip Koenig
- Towards an Understanding of Global Crises by Neantro Saavedra-Rivano
- Sustainability, Past and Future: Ten Propositions on the Emerging Organizational Macro-System by Michael Marien
- Is a Real Global Agreement on Sustainability Possible? by Robert Berg
- Ethics and Sustainability: An Alternative Approach to Evaluate the Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in Brazil by Leopoldo Costa Junior et al.
- The Role of Simulation in Problem-Solving Oriented Education: the global systems simulator by Robert Hoffman
- Poverty, Agriculture and Sustainable Development in India by Chandana Chakrabarti