XIV International Colloquium – Papers

  1. The unconventional monetary policy of the ECB: effectiveness versus exhaustion by António Mendonça
  2. Greening African Cities: Urbanization, Structural Transformation and Sustainable Resource Use by Mark Swilling
  3. Best Practice for Eco-efficiency and Economic Value of Degradation and Protection of the Environment in Amazonian Agriculture by Carlos Rosano-Peña
  4. Livestock Production & Estimation Costs by Saulo José Casali Bahia & Heron José de Santana Gordilho
  5. Going beyond Schumpeter model of innovation to face global challenges by Pascal Petit
  6. Green Economy Index: What Really Matters? by Anna Eloyr Vilasboas & Joanílio Rodolpho Teixeira
  7. Heterodox Economics: Some Unfinished Business by Jorge Thompson Araujo & Joanílio Rodolpho Teixeira
  8. The Sustainability and Endurance of a Rule of Law Governed Democracy in South Africa Challenged by an Enlightened Approach to Socio- Cultural Ethnic Diversity and the Embrace of an Economic System that Provides for a More Just Distribution of the Economic Patrimony of the Nation by Winston P. Nagan
  9. Social Power and Stabilization Strategies: A Case Study of Brazilian Troops Deployment in Haiti by Juliana Sandi Pinheiro & Danielle Sandi Pinheiro
  10. A case: Using System Dynamics and Simulation Gaming Modelling for Understanding and Learning about Socio-economic Systems by Andrii Miroshnychenko
  11. The Role of Scientists in a Human-centered Society by J. Martin Ramirez & Juan Cayón
  12. Regulation and Regulatory Capture by Maria Rosa Borges
  13. Macroeconomic theories of investment and development of a New Economic Theory by Seeraj Mohamed
  14. Social Justice Deficits and Neoliberalism: The Cases of the United States and South Africa by Winston P. Nagan
  15. The concept, method and theory of human centred political economy versus the tragedy of neoliberalism for the people of the United States and South Africa by Winston P. Nagan
  16. The concept method and theory of human centred political economy: Lessons from economic transformation in South Africa by Winston P Nagan
  17. The Knowledge Bank by Neantro Saavedra-Rivano
  18. The political economy of the transition to sustainability by Warren Manuel and Firoz Khan
  19. Towards an Integral Economics by Jeremy J. Wakeford