- The unconventional monetary policy of the ECB: effectiveness versus exhaustion by António Mendonça
- Greening African Cities: Urbanization, Structural Transformation and Sustainable Resource Use by Mark Swilling
- Best Practice for Eco-efficiency and Economic Value of Degradation and Protection of the Environment in Amazonian Agriculture by Carlos Rosano-Peña
- Livestock Production & Estimation Costs by Saulo José Casali Bahia & Heron José de Santana Gordilho
- Going beyond Schumpeter model of innovation to face global challenges by Pascal Petit
- Green Economy Index: What Really Matters? by Anna Eloyr Vilasboas & Joanílio Rodolpho Teixeira
- Heterodox Economics: Some Unfinished Business by Jorge Thompson Araujo & Joanílio Rodolpho Teixeira
- The Sustainability and Endurance of a Rule of Law Governed Democracy in South Africa Challenged by an Enlightened Approach to Socio- Cultural Ethnic Diversity and the Embrace of an Economic System that Provides for a More Just Distribution of the Economic Patrimony of the Nation by Winston P. Nagan
- Social Power and Stabilization Strategies: A Case Study of Brazilian Troops Deployment in Haiti by Juliana Sandi Pinheiro & Danielle Sandi Pinheiro
- A case: Using System Dynamics and Simulation Gaming Modelling for Understanding and Learning about Socio-economic Systems by Andrii Miroshnychenko
- The Role of Scientists in a Human-centered Society by J. Martin Ramirez & Juan Cayón
- Regulation and Regulatory Capture by Maria Rosa Borges
- Macroeconomic theories of investment and development of a New Economic Theory by Seeraj Mohamed
- Social Justice Deficits and Neoliberalism: The Cases of the United States and South Africa by Winston P. Nagan
- The concept, method and theory of human centred political economy versus the tragedy of neoliberalism for the people of the United States and South Africa by Winston P. Nagan
- The concept method and theory of human centred political economy: Lessons from economic transformation in South Africa by Winston P Nagan
- The Knowledge Bank by Neantro Saavedra-Rivano
- The political economy of the transition to sustainability by Warren Manuel and Firoz Khan
- Towards an Integral Economics by Jeremy J. Wakeford