XV International Colloquium Agenda

AGENDA (as of March 1st)

May 02, 2018 – Day 1

(Major Focus: International Organisations)

08:30–09:00    Registration
09:00–9:30      Welcome Opening Session

  • Corinne Vercher Chaptal (CEPN)
  • Pascal Petit (CEPN –MSH)
  • Joanilio Teixeira (Uty Brasilia)
  • Garry Jacobs WAAS (World Academy of Arts and Science)

9:30–11:00      Paper Session 1
Chair: Salvatore Monni (Uty Roma 3)

  1. The near future to 2030 and its potential impact on the role and impact of International Institutions on Economic Policy by Gill Ringland (SAMI, UK)
  2. The IMF and the New Fiscalism: Was there a U-turn? by Marc Lavoie (CEPN Paris 13 , EPOG, and Uty of Ottawa) and Brett Fiebiger (Australia)
  3. FAO and the political economy of hunger by Pasquale de Muro (Uty Roma 3)

11:00–11:30    Coffee Break
11:30–12:30    Panel A: Social movements and social power in the governance & actions of international organizations
Moderator: Pascal Petit

  • Gus Massiah ( board of the World Social Forum CEDETIM, Paris
  • Djilali Benamrane (retired UN representative in Africa)
  • Georges Menahem (CEPN-MSH Paris)

12:30–14:00    Lunch
14:00–15:30    Paper Session 2
Chair: David Flacher (EPOG, Compiégne Uty) 

  1. Climate change and sustainability by Heron José de Santana Gordilho (Federal Uty Bahia)
  2. Implementing the SDGs – which SDGs? by Joachim Spangenberg (Helmotz Ctre Germany)
  3. The Role of International Non-governmental Institutions for Sustainability: Selected Cases by Zbigniew Bochniarz (Kozminski University) and Grazyna Lesniak-Lebkowska (Warsaw School of Economics)

15:30–16:00    Coffee Break
16:00–17:00    Panel B: International Organizations and the regulation of evolving transnational organizations
Moderator:  Corinne Vercher-Chaptal (CEPN, Paris13)

  • Huw Thomas (Bristol University)
  • Cedric Durand (CEPN, Paris13)
  • Lisa Tortell ( ILO, Geneva)

17:00–18:00    Paper Session 3
Chair: Neantro Saavedra (Uty Tsukuba)

  1. Can the design of the WTO be improved: how and with whose support? by Julien Vauday (CEPN Uty Paris13)
  2. Do We Still Need the World Trade Organization? by Silvia Nenci (Uty Roma 3)

May 03, 2018 – DAY 2

(Major focus:  Climate policies and global structural changes)
9:00–10:00      Paper Session 4
Chair: Marc Lavoie (CEPN Paris 13, EPOG and Uty of Ottawa)

  1. Meeting the environmental challenge: reflecting on the OECD policy recommendations across time by Dominique Pestre (EHESS Paris)
  2. The evolution of ECLAC thought: neoliberalism and inequalities by Maria de Lourdes Rollemberg Mollo (Uty Brasilia) and Joanilio Rodolpho Teixeira (Uty of Brasilia)

10:00–11:00    Panel C: Integrated strategies for implementation of the SDGs
Moderator: Grazyna Lesniak-Lebkowska   

  • Adam Koniuszewski (Geneva Center for Security Policy)
  • Joachim Spangenberg (Helmotz Centre for sustainable development, Germany)
  • Pasquale de Muro (Uty Roma 3)

11:00–11:30    Coffee Break
11:30–12:30    Paper Session 5
Chair: Winston Nagan (Florida Uty)

  1. Governing climate: Opportunities and limits of the United Nations action plans after the Paris December 2015 agreement by Amy Dahan (CNRS Centre Koyré Paris)
  2. The international institutions and their possibilities regarding the global economic policy by Saulo José Casali Bahia (Federal Uty Bahia)

12:30–14:00    Lunch
14:00–15:30    Paper Session 6
Chair: Robert Hoffman (whatIf? Technologies Inc., Canada)

  1. Digital Currencies and the Challenge of Global Governance by Garry Jacobs (WAAS)
  2. Sustainability through Digitalization in international agendas: Expectations and disappointments by Carlos Alvarez Pereira (INNAXIS Foundation & Research Institute)
  3. Accounting standards as a key issue to meet the current environmental challenge by Jacques Richard (Paris Dauphine Uty)

15:30–16:00    Coffee Break
16:00–17:00    Panel D: Digitalisation impacts in a globalized world: from digital currencies to digitalisation of public services
Moderator: Carlos Alvarez Pereira (INNAXIS Foundation & Research Institute)

  • Robert Hoffman (whatIf? Technologies Inc.)
  • Rodolfo Fiorini (Politecnico di Milano University)
  • Dimitrios Kyriakou (European Commission’s Institute for Prospective Technological Studies)

17:00–17:45    Paper Session 7
Chair: Heitor Gurgulino de Souza (WAAS World Academy of Arts and Science)

  1. Power and Climate Change Governance: Negative Power Externality and the Brazilian Commitment to the Paris Agreement by Danielle Sandi Pinheiro (Uty Brasilia)
  2. Ecological Pricing analyses of the Kyoto Protocol mechanisms: suggesting ways to improve policies to deal with climate change by Leopoldo Costa Junior (Uty Brasilia)

17:45–18:30 Paper Session 8
Chair: Rodolfo Fiorini (Politecnico di Milano University)

  1. Regional labor market disparities in the Republic of Croatia by Davor Bernadić (Croatian Social Democratic Party)
  2. Life quality disparities in the Republic of Croatia by Mia Despotović (SEDAM IT D.O.O., Croatia)

May 4, 2018 – DAY 3

09:00–10:30    Paper Session 8: New economic theory  
Chair: Zbigniew Bochniarz (Kozminski University)

  1. Towards a new economic theory of the State by Ruslan Grinberg (Russian Academy of Sciences) and Alexander Rubinstein (Russian Institute of Economics)
  2. The Context and Values Inherent in Human Capital as Core Principles for New Economic Theory by Winston P. Nagan (Uty Florida)
  3. From uniform to structural global economic development by Erich Hoedl (European Academy for Sciences and Arts)
  4. Human Capital and the Future of Jobs: Global Public Policy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Robots by Neantro Saavedra-Rivano (Uty Tsukuba)

10:30–11:00    Coffee Break
11:00–12:00    Paper Session 9
Chair: Pascal Petit (CEPN Uty Paris13)

  1. Human Capital and the Future of Jobs: Global Public Policy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Robots by Neantro Saavedra-Rivano (Uty Tsukuba)
  2. The institutional challenges to the labor market and the fourth industrial revolution in the light of a new paradigm in economic thinking: The Brazilian case by Juliano Vargas (Uty Brasilia) and Joanílio Rodolpho Teixeira (Uty Brasilia)

12:30–14:30    Lunch
14:30–15:30    Panel E: New Economic Theory in an evolving organization of global society
Moderator: Heitor Gurgulino de Souza and Winston Nagan

  • Erich Hoedl (European Academy for Sciences and Arts)
  • Gill Ringland (SAMI, UK)
  • Garry Jacobs ( World Academy of Art and Science)

15:30–17:00    Concluding Session
Moderators: Pascal Petit, Joanilio Teixeira, Garry Jacobs 
[1] Venue: MSH Amphitheater 20 rue Georges Sand, 250m from exit 3 of the tube station Front Populaire on line 12. https://www.mshparisnord.fr/