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  • Active learning increases student performance

    A paper presented by Naomi Rintoul in the International Conference "New Perspectives in Science Education"

    Active learning is proved to be a more successful alternative to the traditional lecture. It is an effective pedagogical approach for higher retention, understanding of curricular relevance, engagement and application of new information to problems. Active learning is efficient when all students in a class session are called upon to do, rather than simply watching, listening and taking notes. This study suggests that strong student support and an attentive lecturer will improve student comfort. Involving the students through asking open ended questions and ensuring that there is an inclusive nature to the sessions is the key to attaining high levels of engagement in active learning sessions. As universities are often fostering a diverse student community, a range of pedagogic practices are required to confirm that all learners are catered for.

  • How Open Textbooks are the Path to Textbook Affordability

    The high price of college textbooks limits students’ access to the required learning resources and lowers academic performance. Open textbooks are a viable alternative to expensive, printed textbooks sold by publishers. Open textbooks are faculty-written and peer-reviewed textbooks under a Creative Commons license that allows free digital access and low-cost print format. Rentals, e-books, e-readers are less expensive alternatives to costly, traditional textbooks. Open textbooks, which come in a range of affordable formats to accommodate all preferences, can reduce the cost to students by 80%.

    Source: Student Public Interest Research Group

  • Social Media and Education: Student and Educator Perceptions

    Social networking sites and Mobile applications give educators the opportunity to communicate with students effectively and quickly. Course updates and discussion threads are great ways for communication on a regular basis. This research identifies the attitudes and behaviors of students and educators while using social media as an educational component by receiving information from five Korean university students, professors and instructors. The largest factor preventing educators from implementing this technology is privacy. By identifying appropriate social networking sites and mobile applications for each educational experience, educators can deal with issues of privacy, level appropriateness, technological availability of students and cost management issues.

    Source: The Sloan Consortium